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The Absolutely, Positively Best Way To Maximize Your Speaking Skills And Prepare For Your Trip Abroad

The Full, Personally-Tutored Online Course For Only $395!
Everything you need to finally achieve your dream of actually speaking French!
French shopkeeper


  • Free introductory online session.

  • 6 fifty-minute personal, individual tutoring sessions with premier native-French-speaking professional educators, Instant French Co-Author Julie Beaufort or Editor Pauline Lalanne.

  • Full-color text/workbook of 15 chapters including self-assessment practice quizzes and answers in the text appendix.

  • 15 half-hour video lessons including pronunciation instruction and speaking repetition.

  • 15 MP3 audio files for speaking practice downloadable to your smart phone as an album.

How The Course Works

​First we set you up with an introductory online session where we listen to your goals and objectives, explain how the course works, and set up all your electronic connections. After this initial session, students follow the structured course of 15 lessons- reading the text, watching videos, completing quizzes, and practicing speaking with MP3 audio files at their own pace.


Your first full tutoring session is normally scheduled after you have completed study of the first two lessons in the book and on video. Then every two or three lessons you'll have another on-line tutoring session with your instructor that reviews the previous two or three lessons (total of 6 tutoring sessions). Instructors will answer questions, correct pronunciation, and practice speaking with you in live conversation. They may also upload additional resources for you.


Tutoring sessions are easily scheduled online or by a convenient phone app. Video links will be provided by the instructor via email. Additional tutoring sessions are available by request to your instructor at standard tutoring prices.

Julie Beaufort
Pauline Lalanne
Instant French Cover
Screenshot Lesson 15
On The Go Album Cover

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